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Starfield: Cheeky Weapon Cheats


Unlocking Cosmic Firepower with Console Command Cheats

Attention, mischievous space adventurers! The Starfield Weapon Item IDs list is the go-to cheat menu for players with a penchant for bending the rules. These unique IDs are a ticket to armory paradise but are exclusive to PC players (commiserations, Xbox enthusiasts). Each weapon flaunts its hexadecimal address, a string of eight characters or numbers that grant access to these goodies through console commands. Sneakily tap that ‘~’ key, summon the console command prompt, then type in “player.additem [item id] 1” to smuggle these coveted weapons into your inventory. But beware, cheating will bid adieu to your precious Achievements. Here’s the list of these clandestine weapons in Starfield.

The Shady Arsenal: List of Weapon Item IDs

Ready your cheat codes with this alphabetical list of weapon item IDs:

  • AR-99 – 002BF65B
  • Arc Welder – 0026D965
  • Ashta Tamer – 0026D965
  • Auto-Rivet – 0026D964
  • Barrow Knife – 0026F181
  • Beowulf – 0004716C
  • Big Bang – 0026D963
  • Breach – 000547A3
  • Bridger – 0026D96A
  • Coachman – 0026D96B
  • Combat Knife – 00035A48
  • Cutter – 00016758
  • Drum Beat – 0018DE2C
  • Ecliptic Pistol – 0026D96E
  • Eon – 000476C4
  • Equinox – 0001BC4F
  • Grendel – 00028A02
  • Hard Target – 000546CC
  • Kodama – 00253A16
  • Kraken – 0021FEB4
  • Lawgiver – 0002D7F4
  • Maelstrom – 002984DF
  • Magpulse – 00023606
  • Magshear – 0002EB3C
  • Magshot – 0002EB42
  • Magsniper – 0002EB45
  • Magstorm – 0026035E
  • Microgun – 000546CD
  • Novablaster Disruptor – 0026D968
  • Novalight – 0026D967
  • Old Earth Assault Rifle – 0026ED2A
  • Old Earth Hunting Rifle – 0021BBCD
  • Old Earth Shotgun – 00278F74
  • Omsium Dagger – 0026D966
  • Orion – 002773C8
  • Pacifier – 002953F8
  • Rattler – 00040826
  • Razorback – 00000FD6
  • Regulator – 0002CB5F
  • Rescue Axe – 0004F760
  • Shotty – 0026D960
  • Sidestar – 0026D95D
  • Solstice – 0026D961
  • Tanto – 0026D8A3
  • Tombstone – 0002EB36
  • UC Naval Cutlass – 0026D8A5
  • Urban Eagle – 0026D96D
  • Va’ruun Inflictor – 0026D8A0
  • Va’ruun Painblade – 0026D8A2
  • Va’ruun Starshard – 0026D8A4
  • Wakizashi – 0026D8A1

Use these secretive IDs wisely, fellow gamers. May your cosmic adventures be as sneaky as your inventory tricks!


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