Lock-picking in Starfield is a must-have skill for sneaky thieves or expert looters. It is especially helpful if you want to gather some extra ammo, weapons, and resources while out on expedition. Of course it doesn’t always work out the way you want it to, as one Redditer has discovered the hard way. After hours in the game you will come to realize that not all locked boxes are a looter’s paradise. Unfortunately, there is no way to know which contain treasure and which contain trash.
Redditor Shows How Picking Locks in Starfield is a Gamble

Reddit user ScienceP1e posted a video of them painstakingly picking the lock of a weapon case they encountered while exploring Jaffa IV. Despite having an Expert level lock, which can mean there is some serious loot inside, they are met with…nothing. The case is absolutely empty.
Starfield Player Discovers How Frustrating Lock Picking Can Be
Source: Putang Pinoy PH