We’re coming up to Marvel Snap‘s one-year anniversary since its global launch on PC and mobile devices, and there are tons of free goodies to look forward to. Second Dinner has announced quite a few login rewards starting on Oct. 18, as listed below:
- Title: GOTY Edition [Starts October 18th at 9 AM PT]
- 65 Random Boosters [Starts October 19th at 9 AM PT]
- 500 Credits [Starts October 20th at 9 AM PT]
- 3 Gold Conquest Tickets [Starts October 21st at 9 AM PT]
- 300 Gold [Starts October 22nd at 9 AM PT]
- Community-Voted Anniversary Variant [Starts Oct 23rd at 9 AM PT]

The three community variants feature Shang-Chi, Ghost Rider, and Human Torch. Whichever variant gets the most votes will win out, and be given out for free to all players. It’s certainly a bit of a shame, as all three variants look absolutely sick.
Marvel Snap Celebrates its One-Year Anniversary With Twitch Drops, Free Variants, & More
Source: Putang Pinoy PH