Final Fantasy XIV is a massively popular MMO game with an abundance of content for players to immerse themselves in, whether they want to go the casual route or embark on some of the most incredible challenges it has to offer. One of the most infamous and notoriously difficult ones in the game is called the “Necromancer” achievement, a feat that truly tests the highest (or deepest, rather) limits of what a player is capable of in FFXIV. Should you desire this one-of-a-kind commendation, you must conquer all 200 floors of the Palace of the Dead deep dungeon, alone. To date, only 0.48% of the entire player base has acquired the prestigious title, and for good reason.
Deep dungeons are revered as some of the most arduous and demanding battle content in the game. They require a notably different type of strategy to other modes like Extreme Trials or Savage-tier Raids, as rather than a standalone instance against (usually) one difficult enemy with numerous mechanics, it’s instead an incredibly long gauntlet of countless enemies, traps, and boss fights that all require careful attention and concentration, all while under the gun of a ticking timer. Since their introduction back in the A Realm Reborn era, they’ve remained one of the most coveted accomplishments for players, especially those who pursue the nearly-impossible-to-obtain laurel of “Necromancer”. Many attempt the lonely and dangerous journey, and so few overcome the ruthless undead hordes with enough time to spare.
FFXIV Player Finishes Palace of the Dead Solo-Run With One Second Left
Source: Putang Pinoy PH