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Multiple Disco Elysium Developers Forced Out Of ZA/UM; Cultural Association Also Dissolved

This weekend, Martin Luiga, one of the founding members and secretary of the ZA/UM cultural association, took to medium.com to announce that he was dissolving the ZA/UM cultural association. For those unfamiliar, this is the team that was responsible for the critically acclaimed Disco Elysium. Luiga went on to announce that other leads, such as Robert Kurvitz, Aleksander Rostov, and Helen Hindpere, were forced out of the company.

Luiga went on to clarify that the termination of the cultural organization was that it no longer represented the ethos and ideology it was founded on.

“People and ideas are meant to be eternal; organizations may well be temporary. I find that the organization was successful overall, and most of the mistakes that were made were contingent, determined by the sociocultural conditions we were thrown into.” – Martin Luiga

He continued to state that while the organization was successful, it lacked any formal structure. Martin would then end his letter to fans by thanking them for their support. It remains to be seen what will happen to the Disco Elyusim IP.

When the game it store shelves in 2019, it received universal acclaim for its immersive story, characters, and unique art style. The game’s popularity would only rise with the release of The Final Cut version, which introduced voice acting along with many other enhancements to the original in 2020. Ports to other systems such as the Switch and PS5 also boosted the game’s popularity, and the title became an indie darling. 

Although a sequel and even a television show were in the works, this recent development leaves the future of Disco Elysium up in the air. For more information about Disco Elysium, stay tuned to Twininfinte.

Multiple Disco Elysium Developers Forced Out Of ZA/UM; Cultural Association Also Dissolved
Source: Putang Pinoy PH

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